02/01 16:45
Creatures of the forrest have increased in numbers close to Ab'Dendriel!
02/01 16:14
Hunters roaming looking for targets north of the Green Claw Swamp.
02/01 14:41
Goblins are converging west of Edron!
02/01 13:39
The priestesses in Drefia are preparing a black celebration.
02/01 12:08
Danger! Now the goblin leaders attack Kazordoon from Femor Hills!
02/01 12:07
Goblins attack from Femor Hills!
02/01 12:06
Goblins are preparing to attack Kazordoon from Femor Hills!
02/01 11:04
Rat Plague in Thais!
02/01 08:15
Gargoyle attack inside of Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb!
02/01 08:15
There is something stony moving down in the Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb.
02/01 07:19
The gates of Venore are under attack!
02/01 07:15
Elves have surrounded Venore!
02/01 07:13
A large clan of elves have been sighted headed towards the gates of Venore!
02/01 03:36
Majestic creatures with stripes roam the small desert at Meriana.
02/01 00:42
Darashia is being overwhelmed by Diabolic beings!