Raid Log
28/01 01:01
Many aggressive canines spotted roaming south of Ab'Dendriel! Take care!
27/01 21:05
The dreaded wight lead their undead minions to claim the plains of havoc!
27/01 21:02
A veritable army of undead is amassing in the plains of havoc, beware!
27/01 20:53
The dead of the plains of havoc are becoming restless!
27/01 20:22
Pillage and plunder! Pirates have been sighted north of Darashia!
27/01 14:44
Orcs are attacking Rookgaard!
27/01 14:43
Rookgaard is overrun with orcs!
27/01 14:41
Orcs in Rookgaard have been seen moving in large groups.
27/01 10:02
There's strange seismic activity coming from the Kazordoon mines.
27/01 08:48
Hordes of slippery serpent spawns slither in Deeper Banuta!
27/01 08:46
Something is sizzling deep under many sheets of soil in Banuta.
27/01 08:46
Something bad is happening deep, deep down under Banuta.
27/01 07:13
Majestic creatures with stripes roam the small desert at Meriana.
27/01 05:43
The evil wizard Zu has made his appearance! Eliminate him at once and save the city!
27/01 05:43
Carlin city walls have been breached! Run for your lives!
Show more
Exilium launches in !

Guild: Offer Char

maybe you offer char? hm...? you make offer for in ful eqip or perhaps naked? only PP or gm will bann pls. btw welcome for talk to vice leader tyttebaer if you have complain

Rank: Name: Level: Vocation: Status:
akcept dolar?Carolus Rex421Elite Knight Online
no sellPuppy309Elder Druid Offline
Thor415Elite Knight Offline
offer plsAsshull197Master Sorcerer Offline
Bullish549Elite Knight Offline
Clinten II250Elite Knight Offline
King Kong228Royal Paladin Offline
Kitty309Master Sorcerer Offline
Sheytan230Royal Paladin Online
Tompa382Royal Paladin Offline
Twixxi396Master Sorcerer Offline
Vazefz584Elite Knight Online

War overview:

Attacker: Defender: status: started:
Offer CharDO WE NEED HELPCancelled22 August 2024 (20:57)
Offer CharDO WE NEED HELPCancelled22 August 2024 (20:56)