05/02 14:10
Creatures of the forrest have increased in numbers close to Ab'Dendriel!
05/02 13:09
Evil Cultists have called an ancient evil into the volcano on Goroma. Beware of its power mortals.
05/02 13:07
There is an evil presence at the volcano of Goroma.
05/02 13:05
The ancient volcano on Goroma slowly becomes active once again.
05/02 04:38
Giant Cobras overflow inside of Ankrahmun Dipthrah tomb!
05/02 04:38
There's something sizzling in the Ankrahmun Dipthrah tomb.
04/02 23:28
Cave guardians are invading the mines of Narnia. Take cover!
04/02 22:07
The dreaded wight lead their undead minions to claim the plains of havoc!
04/02 22:04
A veritable army of undead is amassing in the plains of havoc, beware!
04/02 21:55
The dead of the plains of havoc are becoming restless!
04/02 15:43
The desert nomads are launching a full scale attack on Ankrahmun. Some might even have slipped through the defences.
04/02 15:43
Nomad scouts have been sighted close to the gates to Ankrahmun.
04/02 14:42
More ice golems in Svargrond!
04/02 14:41
There is a sudden rise in ice golem population in Formogar mines.
04/02 13:41
Terramites north of Ankrahmun!