18/12 06:14
Orcs are attacking Rookgaard!
18/12 06:13
Rookgaard is overrun with orcs!
18/12 06:11
Orcs in Rookgaard have been seen moving in large groups.
18/12 02:35
Orcs attacking Carlin from the north-east!
18/12 02:34
Some Orcs are assembling in the woods between Carlin and Northport.
17/12 23:59
The priestesses in Drefia are preparing a black celebration.
17/12 22:32
The gates of Venore are under attack!
17/12 22:28
Elves have surrounded Venore!
17/12 22:26
A large clan of elves have been sighted headed towards the gates of Venore!
17/12 19:22
Dangerous Quara emerged from the sea to attack Liberty Bay!
17/12 19:21
Numerous Quara fins have been sighted in the seas around Liberty Bay.
17/12 19:20
Something is moving in the depths of the sea around Liberty Bay
17/12 18:49
Slowly but steady, the population of tortoises grows near Liberty Bay.
17/12 18:18
Gargoyle attack inside of Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb!
17/12 18:18
There is something stony moving down in the Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb.